Welcome to plateforme 10
What to expect
Photo Elysée is preparing to welcome you on March 27th for the opening of its two new exhibitions. Sport in focus, bringing together the collections of the Olympic Museum and Photo Elysée. And Wish This Was Real, an exhibition by Tyler Mitchell, a rising figure in American photography.
In the meantime, join us on March 20th for the opening of the exhibition Soleil·s, the second edition of the Solar Biennale.

Daido Moriyama
Photo Elysée is presenting a major exhibition devoted to one of Japan’s greatest photographers. This retrospective, produced by the Instituto Moreira Salles (Sao Paulo, Brazil), will be making a stopover in Switzerland after showing in Berlin and London.
What’s on at the moment


The Collection

Sophie Thun. Wet Rooms

Alice Pauli. Gallerist, Collector, Art Patron
Upcoming events

Rencontre et atelier avec Philippe Cognée
Philippe Cognée, artiste français de renommée internationale, s’inspire de photos ou de vidéos de paysages ou d’architectures pour réaliser ses peintures à la cire. Le…

Visite commentée – Alice Pauli
Une guide conférencière accompagne le groupe dans la découverte de l’exposition: clés de lecture, pistes d’interprétation, échanges de points de vue… 25 personnes max. /…

Visite par le commissaire – Alice Pauli
Visite de l’exposition “Alice Pauli. Galeriste, collectionneuse et mécène” par Camille Lévêque-Claudet, commissaire. 25 personnes max. / écouteurs disponibles Durée: 60 min. environ Toutes les…

Histoire et Cité – Bestiaire d’hier, bestiaire…
Conférence – Le genre du bestiaire médiéval est de nos jours couramment repris, non seulement dans certaines compilations consacrées aux créatures fantastiques, mais aussi dans…

The new Arts District
PLATEFORME 10 is a one-of-a-kind site in Switzerland bringing together 3 canton-level museums and 2 foundations on a sprawling esplanade of nearly 25,000 square meters just a few steps from Lausanne’s main train station.
Inaugurated in 2019, the new building housing the Musée cantonal des beaux-arts (MCBA) led the way for the exciting adventure that is Plateforme 10. This was followed in 2022 by a new home for two other Lausanne institutions, Photo Elysée and mudac. As an arts district and lively public space right in the heart of Lausanne, Plateforme 10 offers everyone a unique opportunity to discover the diversity and interdisciplinarity of the arts and art making in the fine arts, photography and design.